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Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty
Black History Month will always garner a few interesting conversations in the public eye on the topic of race relations, and this year proved to be no different.
Comedian and media personality Trevor Noah recently managed to spark up what some might consider to be the hottest take of the year after a conversation on his What Now? podcast that questioned the validity of integration in America led to a wider social discussion and even a pretty hot take by our own head honcho, D.L. Hughley.
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It all began after Noah asked his guest, Princeton professor Ruha Benjamin, a simple question: “Do you think that integration was the right move?” Using the secluded-yet-peaceful society of Finland as his prime example, the former Daily Show frontman and his co-host Christiana Mbakwe-Medina took a minute to decipher the question before Professor Benjamin responded in full agreement by stating, “No, I don’t, and I don’t think it’s actually that controversial if you understand that segregation and integration weren’t the only options.” She went on to add, “When you’re being integrated into institutions, into a culture that’s a supremacist culture — a culture that feeds off of hierarchy, that feeds off of insecurity [and] anxiety — why are we being integrated into that?”
D.L. joined TMZ Live not too long after the clip went viral on social media to give his own breakdown of the integration v. segregation debate, calling it, in his words, “maybe the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” More below, via TMZ:
“D.L. doubled down that integration was necessary because Black schools were severely underfunded — but once schools did start integrating, white kids left, taking resources with them … basically canceling it out.
While D.L. acknowledges racism has improved over time, he points out that policing, banking, housing, and other systems are still flooded with white supremacy — and that some big historic milestones of progress actually happened not that long ago.
He says most white people may not agree with supremacist rhetoric, but they do align with the goal — keeping white people in power.”
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